Thursday, September 5, 2019

SQL Server CPU usage by Database

<= Drawing a Sector (Slice of Pizza) in SSMS

As you probably know, SQL Server collects a lot of data about engine itself and all executed queries.

Query execution statistics can be retrieved from DMV "sys.dm_exec_query_stats".
You can extract these data in a grid, but to enjoy the data visually you can use a SQL Spatial data.

Here is a query to transform SQL query results into a Pie Chart:
;WITH Agg as (
       SELECT DISTINCT [Range] = DB_Name(DatabaseID)
              , [Value] = SUM(total_worker_time) OVER (PARTITION BY DatabaseID)
              , Total = SUM(total_worker_time) OVER (ORDER BY ( SELECT NULL))
       FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs with (NOLOCK)
       CROSS APPLY (
              SELECT CONVERT(int, value) AS [DatabaseID]
              FROM sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes(qs.plan_handle)
              WHERE attribute = N'dbid') AS F_DB
       WHERE DatabaseID < 32767
), dat as (
       SELECT *
                     , StartPoint = SUM([Value]) OVER ( ORDER BY [Value] DESC ) - [Value]
                     , EndPoint = SUM([Value]) OVER ( ORDER BY [Value] DESC )
       FROM Agg
), geo as (
       SELECT [Range], [Value]
              , Percentage = CAST(CAST([Value] * 100. / Total as DECIMAL(5,2)) as VARCHAR) + ' %'
              , X1 = SIN(StartPoint * 2 * Pi() / Total)
              , XM = SIN(.5*((StartPoint + EndPoint) * 2 * Pi() / Total))
              , X2 = SIN(EndPoint * 2 * Pi() / Total)
              , Y1 = COS(StartPoint * 2 * Pi() / Total)
              , YM = COS(.5*((StartPoint + EndPoint) * 2 * Pi() / Total))
              , Y2 = COS(EndPoint * 2 * Pi() / Total)
       FROM dat)
SELECT [Database] = [Range] + CHAR(10) + Percentage
       + CAST(X1 as VARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(Y1 as VARCHAR) +
       ',' + CAST(XM as VARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(YM as VARCHAR) +
       ',' + CAST(X2 as VARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(Y2 as VARCHAR) +
       '),(' + CAST(X2 as VARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(Y2 as VARCHAR) +
       ',0 0,' + CAST(X1 as VARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(Y1 as VARCHAR) + ')))' AS GEOMETRY)


Here is a Chart from my test server:

That query can be easily reused to report "total_physical_reads", "total_logical_writes" or "total_logical_reads replace" by Database. Just replace "total_worker_time" column int the first CTE.

Actually, the query in the first CTE can be replaced completely by your own to report anything you want.

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